The Benefits of Community Engagement, and Participation

If there is a positive nurturing environment available and accessible, then there is value in community engagement, and participation. The design of this site was, and is, based on the inspiration and desire to help others while building a shared community. I believe that intellectual and emotional growth can be attained through collaboration and shared experiences. We aim to do this by providing a positive nurturing environment. Because of this, we have now incorporated the STEM Voodoo “Forums” page into our site. I am happy to share this with all of you, and I hope that we can make it worthwhile in order to assist others out there who may have STEM related questions. Due to our efforts in adding the forums page, today’s topic was posted a little later than usual. It will also be a little shorter than usual, but the idea ties in nicely with our new page. With that said, I would still like for everyone to check out our new forums page when you have a chance, and let us know what you think.

The Importance of Community Engagement and Participation

So why is community engagement and participation important? There are many reasons. Let’s consider our students for example. Under our “Scholarships Opportunities” page, I’ve listed a variety of reputable organizations which are geared towards helping students. Each organization is cause driven with a mission of purpose. Community engagement can often come in the form of participation within those organizations and clubs, or similar ones. For students, there are added benefits to this type of engagement.

Tutoring: Students could potentially work with tutors or provide the services themselves.

Mentors: Accessible mentors are generally available to help with learning strategies which may lead to higher grades, additional knowledge, and career advice.

Career Centers: Students can access up to date information regarding organizational career fairs, other hiring events, and job boards. In addition, students can also receive internship opportunities, resume building advice, interview coaching, and unemployment assistance.

Financial Aid: Financial aid may also come in the form of grants or scholarship opportunities.

Networking opportunities: Students could potentially meet life long friends, future business partners, or other individuals who may share a common interest.

Community Engagement and Participation Benefits Everyone

Given a positive environment, community engagement and participation can be beneficial to anyone, and everyone. For those of you out there who are not traditional students, you are still life long learners. Participating in a positive nurturing environment can help increase self confidence, and provide an additional sense of purpose. It can enhance networking opportunities, as well as introduce new ideas. Other benefits include improving interpersonal skills and communication, just to name a few. For mentors, it provides experience recognition, reinforcement of learned skills, leadership and management qualities, and a sense of fulfillment and personal growth.

Hoping to Provide the Right Environment for You

As I stated previously, this weeks post is a short one, due to the addition of our forums. The back end testing took a little longer than expected. Ultimately, I would like for the forum to assist others by providing networking opportunities, as well as a few of the other benefits listed above. I do not expect the forum to take off quickly because the site is still new, and there is hardly any advertising being done at the moment. So, please spread the word, keep us in mind for the future, and check back periodically. If you like, you can also pop into one of the forums and say “hello”. If you are having issues with posting or replying to the forum, please to reach out using the “Contact Us” page. The forum will be moderated and the aim is to provide a positive nurturing STEM environment which also promotes community engagement. Please enjoy, and be respectful.

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